
Primera Iglesia Bautista de San Ysidro

Cristo murio por nuestros pecados

-- Menu --

Horarios de Servicios


Escuela Dominical

10:00 a.m.

Servicos de Adoracion

11:00 a.m.

6:00 p.m.


Servico de Oracion

6:30 p.m.

Esta Fue tu Vida

Esta Fue Tu Vida

noticias / news

El nuevo diseno del sito se ha publicado. / The new website design has been published.

Ligas / Links


Our Mission

To reach our community for Christ, by the preaching of the gospel, which is found in the Holy Bible, and to serve our community, country, and the world.


If you would like a visit from our Pastor or deacons please call or write

Telephone (619) 428-3691
FAX (619) 428-3900
Postal Address 1781 Howard Av. San Diego, Ca 92173
Email Information: info ”@” pibsanysidro ”.” org